Welcome Wilkins Elementary!

Thanks for the information!


Thank you very much! Excited to get this program started.


Thank you!


Hi Kelley! What pacing guides are you looking for? I can compile them into a PDF for you :slight_smile:

I’m wondering if you mean these @Kelley_Tomko? (from this link)

Yes:) I like books in front of me to write notes and highlight. A teacher manual.

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Sure, I can compile this for you. What platform do you need it for?

I like have a hard copy teacher manual.

Thank you soooooo much!!!

Hi Kelley, here is a compilation of the 123 resources. Let me know if you need anything else!
123 Resources.pdf (21.2 MB)

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Welcome to PD+! You guys will love VEX! I have been using VEX in my classroom for years. Great product and the kids love it.

Ahh welcome Pittsburgh teachers! I’m excited to hear what you do with VEX. This year I’m working with VEX GO and VEX 123 in my K-5 Computer Science Classroom.

Thanks for all of the info.

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What items are in the tackle box? Also what items do you recommend to keep our VEX supplies organized? Thank you!!!