Activities, Activity Series, and STEM Labs

Yesterday I was able to have a great VEX GO and 123 training with a set of Tech Integrators for a local school district.

You can see a little bit about it here!

One of the things that came up during the training was the differences between STEM Labs, Activities, and Activity Series so I wanted to make sure that you all knew the differences too!

I made a handy little chart here to try and explain some of the differences.

Obviously this is pretty simplified for all the things you COULD do with these units of content, but hopefully this helps explain some of the differences! You can check out all the VEX GO STEM Labs, Activities, and Activity Series at

I’d love to hear what your favorites are of each :slight_smile:
Mine are:

  • Coding STEM Lab - Mars Rover: Surface Operations
  • Other STEM Lab - Battle Boats
  • Activity Series - Island Expedition
  • Activity - Creature Creation