Build the new EXP CatapultBot

Have you seen the new EXP CatapultBot on This robot is designed with an intake and catapult mechanism in order to launch Buckyballs.

The build instructions walk you through how to build this step-by-step. Let me know what you think! :slight_smile:

Holy moley! I am going to build that this week! I will post pictures… maybe a video.


That would be awesome!

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Im wondering if the kids can use that on the pitching in field! I will definitely have the kids build it, i just need a good lesson to attach it to. Looks like fun!

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@Omar_Cortez that’s a great idea! I think they for sure can use it on the Pitching In Field. We’ll also use this build in Bucky Basketball (which is coming soon). Very similar concepts to Pitching In!

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Cant wait!



Overall, very fun build! Thank you. I will most likely have my HS students build this bot.


Awesome Mark thanks for sharing! Looks like it turned out great!

I also like the fact that it’s easy to see upgrade opportunities for the build. I already added a couple of sensors and changed the basket a little bit. I can’t wait to see what my students experiment with.

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