Check out the Classroom Competition Leaderboard!

The IQ 2nd gen and EXP STEM Lab Units are focused around classroom competitions. That being said, we are actively working on a leaderboard that you can use in your classroom during these classroom competitions! Here is a sneak preview. Let me know what you think! :slight_smile:


THANK YOU for this! I am excited to see when it is live!

Suggestion: Add a “division” or class indicator (maybe another field where I can put the period number) and make it so I can sort based on class or overall. My classes like to see who is the best in the class period and who is the best overall.


Great idea Mark! Thanks for sharing. I’ll check out if this is possible to implement :slight_smile:


This looks amazing!! Can’t wait to check it out and use with my kids!


Thank you for the resource @Lauren_Harter and VEX of course! I can totally see myself using this!

I’m so excited to share that the Leaderboard is now live! Check it out for both IQ and EXP!

There are also two articles that explain how to use the leaderboard in your classroom.

You can also print certificates for your students!

I can’t wait to hear your feedback on the leaderboard!


The classroom leaderboards are terrific. Can’t wait to see how they are used.

Has anyone thought about using images of the leaderboard and/or the certificates as documentation to inspire student reflection? I was imagining a bulletin board where students can display their certificate and a written reflection about what they learned during a STEM Lab - perhaps using the reflection questions in the Wrap-Up Reflection in the competition lessons. That’s just one thought, though - I’m sure there are dozens of ways they could be used to help students think more deeply about their learning process. If you have any ideas, please share them here!


Terrific idea. I love this

@Lauren_Harter the leaderboard is live! I loved seeing the sneak preview during the live course and here it is! I’m going to check it out tomorrow! Thank you!

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Absolutely @Anna_Blake thanks!! :slight_smile:

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I used the VEX IQ leaderboard with my students with VEX GO! Kids LOVED it! We’ve completed our STEM Labs and are now preparing for our first competition. Kids really liked seeing how the leaderboard kept up to date!! I previously used Sheets on Google and let’s be honest I’m not a pro on Sheets so it was clunky and not accurate most of our 45 minute class. VEX IQ Leaderboard is a game changer @Jessica_Drayer @Laura_Mackay @Natali_Barreto @Mark_Johnston

I was so in the moment I didn’t get a picture of the IQ Leaderboard but I wanted to show you how I use this rolling tv as my projector. I got it at a conference for $1100 - so worth it! I just airplay to the rolling tv and it was perfect for everyone to see the leaderboard. For our VEX GO Competition I have a projection screen and a projector I think I’m going to use.

How do you guys project content for your kids?

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This is going to be awesome! I wrote today’s ring leader scores on the back of a nurse pass! lol

This is amazing @Anna_Blake thanks for sharing!

This is awesome! I love the images as well, you can tell how engaged the students are, and it’s wonderful to see. I think the competition element is a great addition to a GO STEM Lab as well, especially for older elementary kids. Kids are often motivated by different aspects of the work, so being able to tap into competition related motivation just adds another tool to your teacher toolbox @Anna_Blake !