GO Advanced Heros - wheels won't work unless you physically start them

Does Anyone have any insights into this GO Issue? Thanks.

I would like to see if anyone has had the same problem with the wheels on the robots. We have 2 GO Advanced Heros (the ones like the fork lift) where the wheels won’t work unless you physically start them. There is no friction and once you move it with your hand, it works. We can see the velocity on the VEXGO driver on the chromebooks works at 50% until we move the wheel, then it goes to the 100%. We’ve tried switching motors, ports, and even have added spacers. Has anyone else mentioned this? We are at a loss and even parent volunteers are stumped as well. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!

Hi @Brian_Dino - first off, welcome to the PD+ Community! I have not encountered this issue - could you share a video of the situation and the project you’re using with the robot? Being able to see what’s happening may be helpful for diagnosing the issue and giving some recommendations for solutions :slight_smile:

I’ll also tag in our resident educational engineer, @Matthew_Goodwin, in case he has any advice to get started with.

@Brian_Dino that is a very interesting issue you are experiencing. Welcome to the PD+ community! My name is Matt Goodwin and I’m the Education Mechanical Engineer at VEX Robotics. As @Audra_Selkowitz mentioned, sharing pictures of your build, videos of the issue occurring, as well as attaching your code will be the quickest way to iron out this issue.
After you physically move your robot to get it started, do you have to physically move it every time it comes to a stop? Or is it only upon starting it the first time?
Again providing images of your code/robot build will help us help you rectify this issue and get your Competition Advanced on the road again!