Mars Math Expedition Storybook!

The first of the PDF Storybooks for the VEX GO Competition is available! Check out the Mars Math Expedition story to see what Col. Jo is up to on Mars! Written diary-style, Col. Jo uses his Expedition Log to give context to many of the competition tasks that he completes with “Hero”, his robotic assistant.

The illustrations bring the story to life beautifully, and I can think of so many ways that you could incorporate the book into your teaching. Here are a few:

  • Have students create their own Expedition Logs for each task they complete on the Field
  • Col. Jo does training to begin, and to get his Robotic Assistant Driver License. Have students develop a training course and their own licenses.
  • Have students add onto the story to include other competition tasks, or characters (like those that work in the Lab), as they work through the competition.