Mentor PD+ & Virtual skills

At the Town Hall meeting Dan Mantz presented this week, he mentioned two new exciting features for teams.

Mentor PD+ & Virtual skills

Both can be accessed after you register your team at

Your PD+ key can be found here and will let you access VEX PD+

For more information

Your Virtual Skills key can be found here and will let your team participate in Virtual Skills.

For more information

Virtual Skills video

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Thanks for sharing this @David_Kelly! Virtual Skills is SUCH a cool component to the competition games this year! I especially love that it can give students an opportunity to practice, strategize, and engage with the game when they are not in the classroom or physically in their robotics team meetings. So if someone has an idea for their code over the weekend, for instance, they can test it out and work on it from home! (And the game is SUPER fun to play!)

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If you know any mentors looking for how to find their license key, you can also share this link with them! This article walks them through how to find their key and get access to Mentor PD+. Accessing PD+ for Mentors

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