New Posters!

Did you know that new posters were added to You can print out some of these posters individually for your students, or hang them in your classroom!

The new posters added are:

  • VEXcode VR Planet HEXBUG
  • 123 TEKS Alignment: Little Red Robot Lab 1
  • GO TEKS Alignment: Mars Rover - Surface Operations
  • IQ (2nd gen) TEKS Alignment: Robot Soccer
  • VEX EXP Metal Ruler
  • EXP TEKS Alignment: Up and Over
  • VEX Metal Ruler (updated to now include EXP)
  • VEX V5 Classroom Starter Kit
  • VEX V5 Classroom Super Kit
  • VEX V5 Competition Starter Kit
  • VEX V5 Competition Super Kit
  • Workcell TEKS Alignment: Lab 3

I’d love to know what you think about these posters! Are there any other posters that you would find helpful for your classroom?


I have a charging station sign that I have included clip art showing some info about the batteries and proper usage. That has been helpful

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Is there a way to buy these. Love the Globe one, but that would kill my black ink.

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Hi @LORI_COLANGELO! These are the only ones that VEX sells on their website, all others will have to be printed :slight_smile: the globe one is included in this pack!