PD+ Class Introduction

Week 5 Post! I can’t believe the live class is over tonight!

Did you change anything to make it in your classroom?
For VEX 123, I really enjoyed listening to the participants feedback on how they use VEX 123. I think I’ve strengthened my love for the VEX 123 activities. I think these activities are great for any skill-level student to get involved in hands on coding. I know as my schedule has changed with subbing, being out or simply having too many kids out to start a new STEM Lab - these VEX 123 activities have really scaffolded and given the students the chance to be creative.

I have really enjoyed our discussions on creativity and hope to instill more of that maker-oriented learning in my VEX 123 classroom.

What do you like? What do you don’t like?

I love the hands-on challenges. I think the students love a good challenge that can be model and broken down. I don’t have a lot of time to plan or prep my lessons so VEX 123 STEM Labs really allow me to fill that creativity for my students. I like to change up lessons to fit my students needs. I find that I’m more comfortable when I’m well rested and have a plan. I don’t have weeks to plan a 4 lesson STEM Lab but I do have an hour to tweak it to fit the needs of my students.

I hope for more exciting and new STEM Labs to engage my students. I also have found the VEX 123 activities a great challenge and fun exercise for my students. Kids want to explore and create and these activities allow students to do both in a short activity time.

Here’s a look back on this year with VEX 123:

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