Robotics isn't just Coding

Taught an introductory robotics lesson today to incoming 9th grade students. Asked their perceptions of robotics at the beginning of the lesson. Student responses ranged from knowing nothing, that it was just coding and they don’t know how to code, or that it’s just sitting in front of the computer.

Using VEX and the Astronaut Rescue Activity, I introduced students that robotics is not just coding! Was able to show students robotics involves movement of manipulators and effectors, involves artistic design and creativity, construction and building, and does not have to include coding right away.

Using the open-ended engineering challenge, the students worked in partners to ‘rescue the astronaut.’ At the end, I asked students their likes or learnings. The mindset shift in just one lesson, the growth mindset that came out, was incredible!

Some quotes were:
“I’m an artistic, not into coding, so I liked seeing that it can be creative and artistic.”
“I like building, so I did a lever that flipped the astronaut.”
“I liked being able to keep trying different things.”
“I liked that it was hands-on and I got to work with my friends.”
“I didn’t realize doing robotics could be fun.”
As a teacher, anytime a student is willing to try new things and find something good in it, is a win!!

What other wins have other teachers in the community had??
What other lessons have others found to have the biggest positive results??


What an awesome experience! “I didn’t realize doing robotics could be fun” - I love this so much! Often times, just finding those gateway experiences that students can have that A ha! moment can be challenging, but when you find them - it’s wonderful!

It would be really neat to have this group return to the Astronaut Rescue Activity over time after they’ve done more with robotics and see how their initial designs have improved.