Robotics Proposal

I switched schools, and my new school didn’t have VEX robotics, and I so wanted to get VEX robotics in my new school.

I was looking into some grants, and a lot of them were expired or didn’t quite fit my school.

Solution… inspired from the book, “What STEM can do for Your Classroom” by Jason McKenna, I decided to write a research-based proposal for my school leadership team.

After a 2 week review and a presentation to the leadership, I was given $7,000 to buy VEX Robotics for our STEM program!!

This being such a great collaborative community, I wanted to share the proposal I wrote in case it may be helpful for anyone else to present to their school leadership or school board.

Here is the link if anyone would have use of a research-based Robotics proposal:


So glad to hear that @Jessica_Drayer congratulations!! :slight_smile:

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Great work, congratulations.

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Great and congratulations!

That’s amazing news, congratulations! Thanks for sharing.

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Congratulations! Can’t wait to see and hear about all the great things you and your students do!

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