Scope and Sequence

Hello, I am working on the 9 week scope and sequence with my students. I have a class set of ten kits and I am trying to figure out how to build basebots with classes at the same time as clawbots.
I thought about having one period build half of the bot and the other the other half. But the basebot and the clawbot are basically the same robot base.
I also thought about building half the clawbot with one class (basically just the arm). then the other class building the claw portion.
I have 6 classes so I’m going to have to do all the other extra activities. With the two other classes.
My question is how do I go about building this with the four classes? Will they end up just using the same robots at the end? Would it be better if I pushed my classes together and separated the robots into 5 kits per class?

Here is the link to the 9 week scope and sequence.

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In order to build the Clawbot, you have to have a constructed BaseBot.

So for your kits, I would separate into 5 kits with one class (call then Class A) and 5 kits with another class (call them Class D).

  • Class A can build BaseBots with the first 5 kits
  • Class B can start the build instructions for the Clawbot and build the arm using the BaseBots built by Class A
  • Class C can finish the Clawbots by building the claw and attaching them.

Then you can do the same process for classes D-F.

This was every class gets an opportunity to build and you still end up with the 10 Clawbots at the end to use in the following classes.

Does this sound like something that would work for your classroom?

Hi @Raymond_Milligan Thanks for posting the question. To pick up on what Alaina mentioned, there are a few options. However, here is the key point: there is a lot of plastic/materials left in the kit after you build either the BaseBot or the Clawbot.

The general idea of the scope and sequence you provided is this: once you have the first robot built, you can keep those robots built for your entire 9 weeks. Then, you can use the other materials left in the kit to do hands-on building/engineering.

For example, you can complete this activity: VEX IQ Activity - Pinball Wizard - Google Docs

And this one: VEX IQ Activity - Tallest Tower Challenge - Google Docs

@Matthew_Goodwin is working on some more activities also.

What this would then look like is the students can spend 2-3 days with a coding activity with the prebuilt robot, then do 2-3 days of engineering. The activities I’ve linked above can be done within a class period, thus repeated for your multiple classes.

Please let me know if this all makes sense. There are a lot of teachers in PD+ doing some really cool things with VEX IQ - @Omar_Cortez being one of them. We are all happy to help.


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Hello, I think the key here is finding activities using the same robot in each section. For example, you can teach the kids about bumper switches And LEDs then have them program for freeze tag and they’re all with the same robot. In between you can teach about the LED and do the stem lab Movement Challenge where the kids use the same basebot to simulate a sanitary robot collecting recyclables at your campus and using the LED to indicate it’s collecting. I’d love to see your 9 week scope and sequence, i’ll request access, it’s private. Hope this helps.