Starter robots for the VIQC Pitching In Game

Are you looking for a starting place for the 2021-2022 VEX IQ Challenge Pitching In game? Well if you are, there are lots of options.

Fling is the 2021-2022 Hero Robot which is designed to play the game. It has a catapult arm which can also lift the robot and a rubber band intake. It is also the base robot for the VIQC Virtual Skills game

Build instructions

More information

If you have a younger team or you are looking for an easier build, there is Slick, which is a bulldozer robot. Slick will work well for pushing balls into the lower goal.

Build Instructions

If you have the VEX IQ 2nd generation Classroom kit you can start with the BaseBot.

Build Instructions

And add a plow to it.

For more details on the plow see the manipulators video in the Robot Soccer STEM lab

Or a Balloon Tire intake.

Or add a Rubber Band intake.

For more details on the Balloon Tire or the Rubber Band intakes see the Intake design video in the Robot Soccer STEM lab

You could also use the VEX IQ 2nd gen Simple ClawBot.

Build Instructions

With the exception of Fling, all of the other designs may need additional iterations in order to effectively play the Pitching In game. But isn’t that what the design cycle is all about?

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@David_Kelly all of this information is super helpful, especially for newer teams that would like to build a less advanced robot just starting out. Then students can iterate on the design to improve functionality. Thanks for sharing!

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@Lauren_Harter Thank you for the slideshow on intakes!

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