Summertime = Playtime...and Guided Playtime

Summer (hopefully) brings a welcome respite to the often frenetic pace of the school year for parents, students, and especially, teachers. Who doesn’t enjoy a little extra time to spend with family, read for pleasure, and enjoy some fun in the sun?! Summer, for me, always meant a little extra time to play… I’ve spent a lot of time thinking, reading, teaching and writing about play in its various forms. Having the time and space for free play is wonderful, and can do a lot to foster a love of learning for children and adults alike. However, there is also something to be said for guided play, when adults are engaging in play with children, and the benefits of being a co-creator of play to be able to draw forth learning in meaningful, yet playful ways.

If you have not checked out the Interview series that @Jason_McKenna did with Claire Cameron, author of Hands On, Minds On, in the Studio - you definitely should. In particular, the segment on Guided Play brings this idea of adult involvement in play, as a participant in play alongside children and how adults can use this opportunity to engage in children’s interests, to stretch students out of their comfort zones, and to stretch their thinking to new places.

This is easy to do with many VEX platforms - like using a 123 Robot with your child to tell stories, or turning your Code Base or BaseBot into a parade float, etc. With this in mind, what are some summer fun activities that you have or plan to engage in that can fit into the idea of Guided Play? Hopefully we can use this thread to generate ideas for summer (and even school year) guided play experiences that will be fun for everyone :).