
What is in the tacklebox that you take to professional developments? We are interested in making one ourselves for VEX 123. Thank you!

Hi @Kelley_Tomko, I’m guessing you’re asking about what we colloquially call our ‘Travel Crafts’ :slight_smile: We used a spare VEX GO spare parts box, but you can use any kind of craft box you want to put together craft materials that can work with the Art Ring.
Supplies include:

  • Pipecleaners

  • Popsicle Sticks

  • Feathers

  • Markers

  • Art Ring Canvases and/or construction paper

  • Googly eyes, sparkles, assorted sequins, etc.

  • Glue sticks

  • Tape and double sided tape

  • Washi tape

  • Stickers, foam pieces, buttons, etc.

  • Pom poms

In terms of keeping 123 supplies organized:

  • You can keep the Coder cards in their sleeves in a binder. Some teachers have printed the printable Coder cards, and attached the image of the cards to back of each sleeve. Then when the Coder cards are removed from the sleeves, they have a clear destination to be returned to when materials are cleaned up.

  • Some teachers have also taken the Coder cards out of the sleeves and sort them into small drawers… kind of like these:
    Screen Shot 2022-10-14 at 3.00.00 PM
    Then each drawer gets a Coder card (Drive 1, Drive 2, Turn around, Act happy, etc.) and when you are compiling your Coder cards for student use, you just grab what you need from each drawer, and put them into a small cup or container for student groups.

I hope that is helpful - and at least gives you a place to get started!