VEX GO for High Schoolers?!? Heck YES!

I’ve taught middle school for 6 years. This year I began the new adventure of teaching high school. The teacher before me retired and I inherited a ton of stuff but it was all pretty old. I couldn’t seem to figure out how I was going to use the stuff I had and I had to create a curriculum. Fortunately, I was given a decent budget, so I started to think about how I could build a supply of materials that would work for me. Enter VEX GO…

…but it’s for grade 3+ right?! Well, High School is part of that “+” and it checked off so many boxes for me (affordable, good storage, no software installs needed, works on chromebooks, durable, good support and great curriculum for free). I have two sections of Robotics 1 with about 30 kids in each class, so I ordered 2 large classroom sets (a total of 30 kits). This allows me to have one kit per two students.

This is a shelf dedicated to one of the two classes I use GO for.

My students LOVE this stuff. I think a major reason for them taking to it so quickly is that it was very quick and easy to get a “win”. I was able to hand the kits out and then direct the students to a site I setup (MJ STEM - GO Lessons) where they would see images of different mechanisms. They would build the mechanism and answer some questions all in one 45-minute class period (not something I have been able to do with metal hardware in the past).

That took care of my Robotics 1 classes and my Robotics 2 classes had enough v5 kits to make groups of four kids per kit. I was happy to be able to reserve the v5 equipment for the upperclass.

I really like that I can take students from VEXcode VR, to GO, to V5 and everything looks and feels the same.

Bottom line- VEX GO is great for my High School students!

Do you use GO for students that are older or younger than the targeted demographic? Please share how you have used it in your classrooms. Feel free to ask me questions about my experience with GO at the high school level.


@Mark_Johnston I think this is awesome. Keep us updated on your experiences with your high schoolers!


This is fantastic! I absolutely love what you said about giving kids a first ‘win’ really easily. I think that is something that helps with students motivation a lot - feeling like they can do it right from the get go makes them better mentally set up to persevere through challenges as they come later on.


@Mark_Johnston thanks for posting. Seeing your High Schooler students work with GO is exciting. High School is absolutely part of that “+”.
One of highlights of GO is that it has a low barrier of entry, but also a high ceiling for what you can do with it! Like you and @Audra_Selkowitz mentioned, students get a first “win” easily. And as they work more with GO, they can do pretty advanced builds and coding using sensors to code their GO robot to interact with its environment.
Please keep sharing, your photos and posts are inspiring.


I love the organization!! How many kiddos did you have working with each kit? My kids absolutely love VEX GO in grades 3-5. I cannot imagine how excited they are for this new tech. What’s your fave STEM lab so far?

I have 2 sections of Robo 1 with about 30 kids each. I ordered 30 kits so I could have 2 kids per kit. This has worked out really well. They get to start a build and if they don’t finish it it’s ok because no one else needs that kit. They just put it on the shelf and resume the following day.

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