VEX GO PD+ Class Introduction

  • Did you change anything to make it in your classroom?
    Using VEX GO in my classroom, it has worked well to allow students to choose their own partner to encourage more social emotional engagement.
    One of the things I have changed is to allow more time for many of the lessons. My students have limited robotics background, so I have provided more time to build prior knowledge, background and experience.
  • What do you like? What do you don’t like?
    I love the organizational aspect of the kits and the images below so the students can know how to put all the pieces back where they belong more easily. I also love the pliers!

We had a great final class yesterday. I really enjoyed the class. I think we had a lot of really good discussions. THANK YOU all for your participation.

Here is the recording:
Topic: VEX GO Course
Start Time: Apr 19, 2022 06:29 PM

Meeting Recording:

We started off the class by discussing the NSTA position statement on STEM:

We then talked about what impediments we have in our vision of STEM. A lot of great ideas and suggestions from everyone. This led to a discussion of what advice would you give to a new and/or reluctant STEM teacher. I provided some suggestions and have put them into this google doc: Week 5 VEX GO class - Google Docs

Book Recommendation:

Love this book. I think the story of the COVID vaccine is a wonderful story of STEM.

We finished class with some recommendations for our next set of classes in July. If anyone has other suggestions for our next set of classes - please let us know here. Thanks!

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Hi! Week 5 post!

Did you change anything to make it in your classroom?
VEX GO in my 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classrooms has sparked creativity in CS again. The kids love the coming VEX GO competition and I’ve enjoyed exploring the STEM Labs with the students. So far, I think Simple Machines is the all-time favorite STEM Lab. I look forward to using more VEX GO Activities after the VEX GO competition to allow for more creativity with building and authentic challenges.

What do you like? What do you don’t like?
I really enjoy the authentic challenges for students. Students want to be challenged but in a way that makes sense. By engineering, designing and building, students love to use VEX GO because it’s fun. I would love to see more STEM Labs that integrate with STEM subjects like science and math. I also would like to see additional VEX GO STEM activities.

Here’s some fond memories with VEX GO this year so far.

Amazing stuff @Anna_Blake Thank you so much for sharing.

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