VEX Interactive Parts Posters

The interactive parts posters provide a visual representation of all the pieces included in the different VEX Robotics Kits. Currently there are interactive parts posters for VEX GO and VEX IQ (2nd gen).

You can now access either or both of those parts posters in one place by using the short link:!

This short link is included in the shortcut article:

How are you using the interactive parts posters in your classroom or educational environment?


I love these posters! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: The interactive design allows students to select parts to learn more about them. Just select a piece or a group of parts, and a window will open that provides detailed information about each piece!

Using these posters is a fun way for students to become more familiar with their Kits and learn how individual pieces can be used in their builds.

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This is an excellent poster for Go and IQ. Does anyone know of a similar poster for the Vex V5?

Hi Timothy - Welcome to the community! There will be an interactive parts poster for the VEX EXP Education Kit - based on this poster. Stay tuned- we will keep you posted.
BTW you can access all VEX classroom posters from this STEM Library article.