VEXcode 123 2.4.1

VEXcode 123 version 2.4.1 is now available. The web version can be accessed from Chrome and Chrome-based Edge browsers here:


  • Share feature now includes additional student information.
  • Removed background dots on blocks
  • Fixed issue with random option in the sound block not always picking a random sound
  • Improved android permission dialogues on Android

Known Issues:

  • Share is temporarily disabled on Android
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Has there been another update? I noticed that my VEX 123 robots seem to go red and need an update.

I have one VEX 123 that is driving off center. And I think I have located the problem! Thanks for a 7 year old. I think the wheel has just taken a beating in 3 years.

Is there a way to buy more wheels?

Uploading: IMG_0474.HEIC…

Here’s a video of the VEX 123: IMG_0472.MOV - Google Drive