VEXcode VR for Elementary

Have you used VEXcode VR with your elementary kids?

I’ve VEXcode VR with my kids for over a year. I’ve created a Choiceboard - I’ll share here.

Outside of my CS classroom, general education teachers use VEXcode VR in their classrooms. It’s funny how much kids get into VEXcode VR and want to choose to do this as an activity after finishing a math or science or reading assignment.

My school districts use choice boards as way for students to extend and continue their learning without having to ask the teacher, “what can I do now?”

Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 1.58.06 AM

What would be on your Choiceboard?

I think it’s great that you’re using VR with younger students! I could see this being a fun holiday or seasonal activity as well, to use the Art Canvas and the Pen to code the VR Robot to draw something like a shamrock for St. Patrick’s Day, or a flower for the first day of Spring, or an emoji for your school’s Spirit Week or something.

That is a great choice board! I love it.