VEXcode VR Scope and Sequence for Woodland Hills Teachers

Hello, Woodland Hills VEXcode VR Teachers! I am looking forward to supporting you as you get started teaching with VEXcode VR.

In this post you will find the first 9 weeks of a Scope and Sequence to get you started teaching with VEXcode VR, along with several helpful links that will take you to all the resources you need to begin teaching your students computer science!

Here is the scope and sequence document. It details the plan for your first 9 weeks of teaching with VEXcode VR. The document includes a weekly schedule, a sample choice board, and a day-by-day breakdown of activities and lessons. I’ve included the document as an editable Google Doc (link above) and a pdf (attached). If you want to edit the Google Doc, you’ll need to make a copy!

Helpful Links!

VEXcode VR Computer Science Level 1 Blocks Certification - Free, online certifications to help you get started using and implementing VEXcode VR in your setting. You can complete all of it at once, or do sections as you are teaching them, or whatever works best for you.

VEXcode VR Curricular Resources - - Activities that you can use to teach with VEXcode VR in your setting.

Get Started with VEXcode VR!

Use the Community – Finally, the PD+ Community is here for you at all times, for support. Post questions, tag other teachers, talk about a video you watched, share photos of your class using their robots, and anything and everything you want. The Community is a fantastic resource, and reaches VEXcode VR Teachers from all over!


Hi Aimee…I teach at Turtle Creek and we are going to begin using VR soon. I tried to login on the VEX Code VR page and it says…“You don’t have the required license to access this!” I already have a PD+ account, but I’m not sure if this is a different license. Our Edgewood teachers in Woodland Hills started with this program in September. Now we are beginning to use it. What do I need to login? Also when I am in the VR program, and am trying to download and open the activity answers, it tells me that I don’t have an app to open these from the google drive. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Hi @Tina_Dietrich,

I just checked in with Jason, and he and Eddie are going to be sure you have your VR licenses. They are different license keys than the PD+ ones! When you do get your license, you will login with it here:, and this article will be helpful.

That being said, for the month of December, all of the VEXcode VR Playgrounds are free for everyone, so you won’t need to set up a class or log in to get your students started using any of the Playgrounds! And, keep your eyes peeled for some fun holiday themed Art Canvas+ Activities that we will be releasing soon.

As far as opening up VR Activity solutions, when you download the activity answers, you will need to open them in VR rather than just clicking on them to open them. When you are in the VR program, you will want to select “Load From Your Device” from the File menu and then click on the solution you want to open in VR.

Here’s a photo to help with that:

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!