Vexcode will not download to Chromebooks

Hello. I am new to Vex IQ and we have run into a problem. My students can not download to their Bots on their Chromebooks. We receive an error that the Compiler has timed out. I have looked at the Compiler process has timed out. I’ve run the Vexcode Cloud Check and everything comes back connected. I reached out to VEX support and they pointed me to the article about the VEXcode Cloud Check. No matter if we use the or the VEXcode IQ app pushed to the Chromebooks. Has anyone else had this issue? I’m wondering if it’s a student OU problem because if I log into the Chromebook as me it works.

Thanks for reaching out about this issue.

Based on what you are describing, it sounds like you will need to get your school’s IT involved to fix this issue. Since the app works for you on the same chromebooks that fail for the students, the probably cause is that the student accounts are configured so that they have more restricted access to the internet. This practice does make sense in a school to try to keep the students safe, but it does make it harder to identify the cause of issues related to those restrictions. The same probably also applies to the computer you were using to test with the VEXcode Cloud Check Utility, allowing it to work for you since your account does not block access to the cloud compiler.

In this case you will need to talk with your IT department and ask them to open up access to the cloud compiler for your students. You can send them to the KB article for their information on what to allow access to and how to check access to the compiler server.

Hello. Thank you for your response. I am actually the director of tech here and my team and I are stumped. We have determined that if we move the student out of the Student OU in Google Admin, they can compile. However, there are so many settings in Google Admin we are stumped as to which one could be causing this problem. Any thoughts?

Sorry about that, the vast majority of the questions we get are from the teachers so I defaulted to assuming that you are a teacher.

We do not have much experience with how the Google Admin system works for schools, but I’ll tray to help you with what little I know.

One of the issues we have found in the past with a school having this issue is that they limit the app’s site access so that it is unable to contact the server. From what I know this can be set per OU. I don’t know where to find those settings, but that is the first thing I would check. you should be able to verify that when logged in as a student, then going to chrome://extensions/?id=mgneogobocdccfjbdldekbjfdadhncol in the browser, then look for the “Site access” section to see if it has limited access.

Another issue we have seen is that the student OU was configured to route traffic though a firewall that was configured to block students from additional sites. I’m not sure how that was configured. I just saw a response telling me that they found it was an issue with the student firewall.

Unfortunately if those don’t help you resolve the issue, then I’ll be just as in the dark about how to solve this as you are. but even if that is the case, we will continue to work with you to try to resolve the issue.