VEX Robotics Community Introductions

Hi @Kristen_Strawn Welcome to the VEX PD+ PLC! We look very much forward to working with you. Please check out our online courses that we’ll be starting soon: VEX Professional Development Plus

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Hello, My name is Andi Sutphen and I am a 5th grade math and science teacher and the school’s robotics coach. This past year was my introduction to the VEX IQ platform and the students and I learned SO much through the process. I am very excited to learn how to best incorporate this into the curriculum and watch my students grow.


Welcome, @Kristen_Strawn ! Before coming to VEX, I also spent many years teaching second grade, so we have that in common! I loved teaching them STEM, especially anything to do with coding and I am so excited to help others bring STEM confidence to their students through robotics. Please reach out to us with any questions you have! We’re here to help.


Hello @Andi_Sutphen ! Welcome to VEX PD+ ! We are so happy to have you here. Keep your eyes peeled for a couple of fun, new VEX IQ Units coming soon!

Hi @Kristen_Strawn welcome to the community! I am eager to hear about how your elementary school is incorporating robotics, coding, and computational thinking, and happy to help in any way I can. Prior to joining VEX, I taught early elementary and Kindergarten for over 15 years, so I am always excited to talk with another passionate educator of young students. :slight_smile:

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Hi @Andi_Sutphen - Welcome to the Community! I look forward to learning with you in PD+! There’s an upcoming Live Course on VEX IQ that might be of interest to you. Check out the Courses link at the top of the page to learn more. :slight_smile:

Hello everyone! My name is Kaitlin Garcia, and I started my teaching career in Michigan before moving to the Houston area, where I have been teaching since 2015. I have worked in various grade levels, but I’m currently a 4th grade teacher!

I love incorporating STEM into my classroom because not only does it engage students but it teaches them so many critical skills such as problem solving, teamwork, and grit (and so many more!). My campus is working to integrate RCC (Robotics, Coding, and Computational Thinking) so I’m excited to learn everything I can of how best to incorporate VEX into my classroom!


Welcome @Kaitlin_Garcia It is great to have you here and we are all looking forward to working and learning with you.

Welcome to the Community, Kaitlin! Looking forward to hearing more about your classroom and incorporating STEM.

Hi @Kristen_Strawn. Welcome to the community! :wave:t4:

Please feel free to reach out to the community when you have questions, and to share your successes! I can’t wait to see what you do with VEX in your school!

I’m sure you will find everything you need to introduce Robotics, Coding, and Computational Thinking into your classroom in fun, hands-on ways with VEX! As part of the Education Team here at VEX, my goal has been to create all the resources that I wish I had in my classroom!

Pro-tip - I know it can be overwhelming to start something new in your classroom. I recommend completing the 123 and GO certifications as a starting point for your journey with VEX. You will get a great guided introduction to getting started with VEX and become familiar with all of the great teacher and student resources available to help you implement VEX with your students.

Keep us posted!

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Hi @Andi_Sutphen - welcome to the community! @Mark_Johnston & @Omar_Cortez are doing some great things with VEX IQ with their students — and they share videos and pics regularly. I recommend following them on the social medias :upside_down_face: and tagging them when you have questions in the community.

Please reach out if you have any questions or comments. AND, Keep us posted on your work with VEX, we would love to learn from your experience!

Good to have you here!

Hi, My name is Tracy Dalton I am an Elementary Learning Technology Coach from Clear Creek ISD, in League City, Texas. I have been in the district 19 years with a total of 29 years teaching experience.
Our district is starting a Coding, Robots, and Computational Thinking (RCC) program. Our robotics team uses Vex IQ and we are using the Vex Robotics for RCC in our elementary schools.
I hope to learn more about the Vex Robotics lessons and how to integrate them in the classrooms.


Hello my name is Tammi Pickering. I am a Science Instructional Coach for PreK-5th grade students in Clear Creek ISD. I have been a teacher for 8 years and an Instructional coach for 6 years. My school district is rolling out a new program called RCC (Robotics, Coding and Computational Thinking). We are infusing robotics and coding into TEKS aligned lessons. This is our first year in the program and I am excited to learn more about how the VEX systems work so I can help teachers craft content specific lessons to use in their classroom. I hope to learn more about VEX Go and VEX IQ to better support my teachers in this journey.


Hello @Tammi_Pickering and @Tracy_Dalton ! Welcome! I’m looking forward to talking all things VEX with you!

Hi @Tammi_Pickering and @Tracy_Dalton :wave:t4:Welcome to the community! :wave:t4:

I am looking forward to learning from you, and I can’t wait to see what you do with VEX in your schools!
Please feel free to reach out when you have questions, and to share your successes!

Keep us posted!


My name is Dalena Ryskoski and I am the Advanced Academics Specialist at League City Elementary in CCISD. I was previously a fourth-grade teacher. We are currently in a pre-launch year for a Robotics, Coding, and Computational Thinking (RCC) program at our campus. I can’t wait to learn more about Vex Robotics!


Welcome Dalena! Really excited to hear from you and your perspective on implementing VEX in your school.

Hi Dalena! Welcome to the community. It is great to have you

Thanks so much for the tip! :smiley: